Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Intuition- do you follow it?

I do. Sometimes with a blind faith that baffles those closest to me. Letting go and following my gut (for lack of a better term) has always brought me where I need to be, where I'm supposed to be...

I've practiced this so many times in my life and I truly feel it is God leading me... I just have to pay attention.  Here lately the "adoption" feeling has taken over... Now, let me preface by saying that I've always known I would adopt and luckily my husband felt the same way.  I just figured we would when we were ready... but, when are you ever ready for a baby? I mean really? The feeling has taken over.  That and the constant nudges from God in the form of... people coming in to my life that I was meant to meet... leading me in the direction I am taking now... they know who they are and I'm grateful for them.

So, why would I bring this up? Truthfully, I think it's because I know that our baby is out there. I am 100% sure of this... it's the feeling and I'm going with it. :)

I read a great blog recently. The r house :
She gets it. Going with a feeling and telling everyone. I don't know why I felt so afraid to vocalize my desire to adopt in the past?  Maybe, I was just waiting for the right feeling? :)

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